Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's September...really?

Okay - so it's September 1st and it's been nearly 3 months since I blogged -- wow! I certainly have a lot of catching up to do. I do have pictures and things I want to blog about that we did over the summer. Stay tuned...

In my last (long ago) post, I said I was in a funk and I felt like I was getting extremely overloaded with projects and things. So I took the summer months off. I realized I needed the summer as much as the boys did and I wasn't going to worry about projects. I was going to enjoy summer and all that comes with it! The only "project" I did was clean out the boys clothes so I knew who needed what as far as new school clothes went. I even took a break from gardening. I did plant a garden -- and it quickly became a weed patch and I didn't even care! (My dad would not be proud of me!) About a month ago, I pulled up everything, except the pumpkins and said better luck next summer!

School has started, the homework has started, sports have started, fighting to get up in the morning has started...can we rewind summer?

1 comment:

gotshoes said...

yes we have hit the ground running! and it won't stop until next summer.
come what may and LOVE IT and we love you as neighbors.