Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yup - we are still kicking!

Man time flies - I've know for some time I needed to update my blog but really didn't realize the last time I posted was last September!

I've been feeling a little guilty about having a blog if I don't update it but you know what...a thing called life happens and the days/weeks/months all start to run together and before I know it, it's been fall, winter, and now spring (or in our world -- football season, basketball season, 2nd round of basketball season, and now round 3 of basketball season -- we are having our own March Madness!) Tyler and Kody are both playing 2 nights a week -- and of course they are on different nights so that means 4 nights of basketball games during March!

Amongst keeping up with 2 active boys, I've been trying to dejunk our entire house. Last fall, Shalise talked me into cleaning out during the winter and then having a garage sale in the late spring/early summer. I've done pretty good at cleaning out this winter but the "garage sale" pile is getting bigger and bigger (so Shalise if you are reading -- when are we having the sale?). I've got one more room to dejunk and then I think I'll be ready to have our gargage sale. I'm amazed at what one family can acquire -- and what one family doesn't use but seems to have a hard time letting go of.

I do have a funny story about this garage sale pile -- I started with my closet and shoes (I actually did part with shoes!) In December, I put together an outfit that I hadn't worn before and knew exactly what shoes I wanted to wear. I went to get the shoes and they were gone! Did I put them in the "pile?" Down to the pile I went -- thank goodness I still had the pile because I found them! I would have been terribly upset had I taken them to the DI instead of saving them for the spring sale. So lesson learned, don't clean out your shoes and rush to deliver them to the DI -- wait and see if you need anything from the pile. I haven't needed anything else from the pile and its been several months so I think I'm safe in having the garage sale.

We are enjoying the longer daylight and the warmer weather. I'm always glad for the small reminders of the love our Heavenly Father has for us during this time of year. I came home from work last week and saw little patches of yellow crocuses poking through the ground. I wanted to squeal -- it was such a refreshing sight. Hearing the birds sing, seeing people outside, going for a walk, etc. makes me thankful for this time of year.

Happy Spring to all!

1 comment:

Justin said...

Glad your back. I love your posts and it is so fun to read what you guys have been doing.