Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday on Sunday

Thursday got away from me before I could post my blessings and now its Sunday -- how did that happen? I still wanted to list my 5 blessings this week.

1. Good Health - I take for granted what a blessing a working body is until something doesn't function just right. It's amazing how something as simple as a small cut on your writing hand can put a cramp in ones style -- let alone something major like back surgery!

2. Modern day conveniences such as running water. Yesterday, the city had to turn our water off for about an hour in the morning. It was amazing how many times in that one hour I needed running water. I know that I would have been a very wimpy and crappy pioneer.

3. Todd. It's such a blessing to have a great best friend. Friday night was our date night. We went to the Home and Garden Show and then to the Borderline Grill for dinner. It was nice to just be together and enjoy talking about many random things.

4. An awesome job! During tax season, I sometimes wonder why I'm an accountant but we are all like family and have a lot of fun and many laughs throughout the day. Tax season would be extremely miserable if I didn't work with such great people. It's nice to be able to have fun during this crazy time of year.

5. A great ward Relief Society. Last Wednesday was our RS birthday party. I love the ladies in our ward and wish that I could associate with them more than I get too.

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